We provide chains of all thicknesses and purposes of use, such as lifting chains, forestry chains (sharped-edged and round) and hoist chains. We offer a chain by metre or produce a custom-made lifting chain. We offer chains from 205° to 400° (available in the table under “Lifting chain elements, Grade 10”).

Grade 80

Choose the number of legs of the lifting chain, indicate the code of the chain provided on the respective drawing, the length, diameter or load of the chain. If you need a chain without any elements, you provide us only with its length (see hoist chains under the section chains by meter).

Grade 100

Chains of Grade 10 (Grade 100) are chains of a high quality class. A smaller chain diameter has a greater load capacity due to its high quality. If you need the chain for personal use for increased load capacity, it is more appropriate to select a chain of this grade, since it is smaller and lighter and therefore easier for transport and use. Consult us to choose the right chain for your purpose of use.